
KIDStory has a remarkable way of reaching children that are thought to be unreachable for one reason or another. The Holy Spirit works to transform children’s lives through the environment created to tell God’s story. This is true for children all over the world… in different settings…with different teachers…using ONE true story…God’s story.

This transformation is from a children’s ministry teacher in Indiana. This is his story.

I live in Elkhart, Indiana.  Recently, I taught the story of Jesus Blessing the Children at our church.  I used the KIDStory methodology to demonstrate the program to our children’s workers. Nehemiah, who is 9 years old and highly autistic, was in the class that day.  He is considered non-verbal as the only person he talks to is his mom.

At the end of the teaching with the kids, I asked the hand question, “What is something Jesus is asking you to do because of this story?” Much to everyone’s surprise, Nehemiah raised his hand and answered, “Jesus wants me to be kind to my friends.” Every adult in the room had their jaws hit the ground. This is something Nehemiah does not do.

At our church’s New Year’s Eve gathering, I sat with Nehemiah and his family. With tears streaming down his mothers face, she recounted the ride home that Sunday from church. Nehemiah told everyone in the car the story of Jesus having the children come to him and reviewed the hand questions that I asked to wrap up our time. Her summary on their interaction, “ I don’t know what that teaching method was but whatever you did, keep doing.”

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