
Following a two dayKIDStory workshop in India, the recently trained KIDStory leaders were told to go and share what they had learned. before they went their separate directions a few participants shared about their experience at the workshop

A few participants shared their experience with KIDStory:

Nisha, Sunday School Teacher

“Teaches 8th grade. The topic was false teachers. I was wondering how to teach as this was a teaching passage and not a story. However, I got some clarification from the trainers on how I could prepare the lesson. I actually taught the lesson using the KIDStory format. I used Opening, Background etc. The children were very attentive.  They also enjoyed the Retell. We are teaching a series on the history of the early church – by using the KIDStory method. The children enjoyed it so much that they wanted us to teach them the lessons in a similar way every week. We usually encourage them to take notes in the class but today they said they were confident to go home and write the notes as they understood the lesson so well.”

Gokila, Sunday School Teacher

“I have attended many teacher’s trainings but I found this training was totally different. In this KIDStory training the way they engaged all of us, it seemed that we became like children and totally enjoyed it.  My thought was that if we as adults could forget all our worries and get so engaged and involved in the lesson how much more children who don’t really have any worries as we do. It really motivated me and was also very interesting.  Thank you.”

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