Venezuela: The people are hungry.  One of our KIDStory ambassadors drove four hours to the Colombian border to buy food this week.  He crossed the river like so many others because the bridges are blockaded.  He paid double for his purchase at the dozens of roadblocks going home.  You pay or they take it all.  Yet there is another hunger in desperate times, a hunger for God’s Word.  That hunger drives this same ambassador to brave the danger…to leave his house and travel another four hours to another city where other hungry people await a KIDStory training.
 In the past two years Venezuela has become the country in Latin America with the most StoryClubs, and the 20 KIDStory ambassadors there have plans to train another 1,000 churches this year.  There is an urgency to reach every child with God’s great Story.  It drives hundreds of people each week to open their homes and gather neighborhood children.  Like our brothers and sisters in Puerto de la Cruz who host over a 150 StoryClubs each week across their city.  Their church calls them Grupos de Vida (Life Groups).  We are not allowed to send food into Venezuela, but you can help feed children God’s Word by supporting our KIDStory Venezuela project.
Join us.
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Below are some of the over 1000 StoryClubs meeting weekly in Venezuela.

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