Name: Debbie Morales
Hometown: Laguna Niguel, CA
Occupation: Account Executive in the Mortgage Industry
KIDS: What Impact Teams have you participated in?
Debbie:  Impact Uganda was the first KIDS trip for our family.
KIDS: What made you decide to volunteer for a KIDS’ Impact Team trip?

Debbie: My husband, Wayde, and I went to a meeting with The Barnabas Group in November of 2016 and Brian Grant was one of the speakers for Kids Around the World. I love the vision of Kids Around the World and how they are impacting children lives with play, food and the story of Jesus and I wanted to be a part of it.

KIDS: What is your favorite memory/experience from serving as an IMPACT TEAM volunteer? 
Debbie:  There are so many wonderful memories from our trip to Uganda. One of my favorite moments was the dedication of the completed playground set on the last day. When we drove up to the refugee camp and all the children ran up to the bus and were singing to us that “We are Welcome Here”.  It was such an overwhelming feeling of love, joy, and happiness. My heart was SO happy and overflowing with the love of Jesus.  This missions trip was a Life Changing Experience for me and my family.
KIDS: What would you say to someone who is trying to decide if they should join one of our teams?
Debbie: Just go!! You do not want to miss out on this life-changing experience. It will change you in ways you never expected. I think about the children every day and I can’t wait to go back to Uganda to see them again.

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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