
A follow up story from a playground build in Nepal with Children At Risk Network Nepal. The addition of a playground has made a big impact on the children who have been rescued from abuse and trafficking to find comfort in being a kid again.

“As we were preparing to leave Nepal, we got to spend a couple of days in Kathmandu, visiting our family at Sundar Dhoka Saathi Sewa (SDSS). Once again, the impact of the playground struck me. In the past, we were used to seeing kids play diverse games with sticks/stones/balls in the courtyard. Although these games showed extensive creativity, they were not captivating for any length of time. Now that the playground is launched, all the residing kids including those with disabilities, are playing non-stop. This play leads to the creation of relationship through shared games of “tag” or soccer on the newly-laid green astroturf. It was wonderful to witness how these healthy interactions have continued over the months since the playground was installed.

A recent member of a visiting CMA team commented that “if the only thing I get to see in Nepal is this playground, I would leave feeling fully satisfied”. She had visited on a day when a child with bilateral hip spica was dangerously enjoying the slides. His medical condition restricted him slightly: he had full plaster casts from the waist down to his feet. Nevertheless, he found a way to get around the playground by using crawling and summersaults. He could not get enough of the embankment slide. I got to witness this exact same activity a week later and must admit that it was priceless.”

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