At Kids Around the World, if you asked us how we are able to do what we do and have success at it, we would say its because of our volunteers.  Our volunteers that join us in our mission and sacrifice their time and treasures to serve children around the world.  Each year we have over 25,000 volunteers pack meals with us.  Over 400 serve on our Impact Teams and pay their own way to do it!  We have over 20,000 volunteer children’s workers we train each year that serve weekly with over 3.3 million kids in our StoryClubs. In our offices and warehouses, we have over 100 individuals who refurbish our playgrounds, create our packing lists, write thank you cards and support our staff all throughout the year.
If you add up all the volunteer hours for just 2018 you get an estimated 1,164,300 hours!!!!  These hours are donated, sacrificial hours from people that love children and love helping these children with the resources Kids Around the World provides.  They allow us to reach millions of kids each year with food, faith, and fun and we could not have this impact without them.
This whole week we get to honor our 45,500 volunteers around the world, we want to say thank you for the time you spend serving alongside us to help us fulfill our mission.  We could not accomplish the goals we have for our ministry without you.  We hope you enjoy this week and know that you are appreciated by the staff and board of Kids Around the World.  And, oh, by the way, there are 3.3 million children in 81 countries that appreciate you as well.
For the kids

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