
It was an amazing day in the children’s church class, when one of the boys, Mahi* aged 15, who comes from a non-Christian family and lost his mother a few years back to Chicken Pox, committed his life to Christ. He’s been part of this StoryClub for around 10 years now along with his elder brother and sister.

One of the male teachers, Sats*, joined the StoryClub when he was 11 as a non-Christian boy. He accepted Christ later and now serves as a leader. He shared the story of the Calling of Matthew during this class and how it was this story that the Lord used to call him into full-time Ministry. At the end of the class, he gave an opportunity to anyone who wanted to ask Jesus into their lives to do so. Later Mahi came up to Sats and told him that during the prayer time at the end of the class, he repented of his sins with tears and committed his life to Christ. He said that he had never done that before.

*Names changed for the privacy of the individual

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