
The last day for the Argentina Impact Team turned out to be a roller coaster of weather, work, and emotions. The team had the opening ceremony scheduled for 6:30 pm to accommodate working schedules of the people. The Mayor of Rafaela, the Sports Director, and several other authorities and people involved in the planning and developing of Su Refugio were scheduled to show up. Since they were pretty much done with the build and the main task for the day was to beautify the playground for the ceremony the team went for a light lunch but this turned out to be a longer break than planned. Not just that, but also the weather forecast announced rain and thunder for the afternoon. Another item on the list to do was to get a couple hundred balloons for the ceremony…inspired by Everybody Always, the second book released by Bob Goff. The team also had some last minute things to do with the playground – touch-ups, installing the swing buckets, clean up and final walk through just making sure we did not leave any loose or missing bolts. 

By the time the team arrived at the site, it was getting darker and darker. They started painting right away and the humidity grew unbearable and everyone was sweating in their nice clothes for the ceremony. There were several groups doing different tasks. Everyone was working hard and tons of kids started showing up because time was getting close to the ceremony but the rain was coming.  The kids were so excited and ready to try their new playground.

 As it started raining, for a moment it came down so hard and looked so dark people were wondering if the ceremony would have to be canceled. Not many dared to ask but it was on everybody’s mind. The team started silently praying and asking God for the rain to stop. Like balloons, prayers were going up and behold, God answered the prayers. Around 5:30 the rain stopped, even though the forecast called for rain all the way through the night. The playground dried well enough for the kids to go crazy, and crazy they went!   

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