
Many of us heard about the devastating Cyclone that hit the coast of Mozambique just six weeks ago.  Cyclone Idai was one of the worst tropical storms to ever hit the continent of Africa and left over 1,000 people dead with thousands still missing.  Some immediate aid was readily available but has not even come close to meeting the current need.  What most people do not know is that the country is now expecting to go through a massive famine lasting years due to crops being destroyed.  To top all of this off Cyclone Kenneth is now bearing down on the northern part of the country.

We at Kids Around the World have been connecting with partners and praying about how we could potentially get involved.  Our first thought was to send our OneMeal packets, but we needed a partner in-country who could help us get the food where it was needed.  Then just this past week, we were connected to a fantastic NGO serving over there through one of our partnering churches.  Cross Connection Outreach has been engaged in Mozambique for over 15 years and has been playing a vital role in relief efforts.

Here comes the exciting part AND we need your help!  We are donating a full 40-foot container of meals (271,000 meals), ready to ship there ASAP, and need to raise $10,000 to help cover the purchase of the container and the shipping/clearing expenses.

[minti_button link=”https://www.kidsaroundtheworld.com/mozambiquerelief/” size=”medium” target=”_self” lightbox=”false” color=”red” icon=””]Donate to Mozambique [/minti_button]

As many of you know we are not a typical “relief” organization. Plans are already in the works about how we can continue to reach the people of Mozambique with all three of our programs (Playgrounds, OneMeal and Story Clubs).  This will not be a one-time shipment.  We truly need your help and support to move forward with this and to support the dear people of Mozambique.   We will also be packing meals for future containers in the next couple of months so if you, your church, business, school or any group would like more information on how to pack meals for Mozambique please visit this link: Pack Meals for Mozambique

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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