
Maria is a single mom of four children in Central Oregon, Manuel is 9 years old, Abby is 7 years old and then Nicki is 4. She came to a personal relationship with Jesus less than two years ago and started attending Word of Life Church where her kids attend the children’s ministry.

 In the last couple weeks, the children’s leader has been using KIDStory in the Sunday School class and the children have been so excited to learn and retell the Bible stories. This past week, Maria got home exhausted from a full day of work and found the children huddled together doing an activity so She took the opportunity to go into the kitchen to prepare dinner. The three children came running and told her she needed to join them. She was hesitant as she just wanted to get dinner on the table and go to bed but as the children persisted she gave in. They sat her down in their huddle and started telling her the Bible story they learned on Sunday. After they retold the story Manuel ended their time by saying, “We just need to just trust God more.”  Maria broke down into tears because she was in awe that the children could tell the story and that they were indeed trusting in God, many times more than her!

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