
We encourage our Impact Team Volunteers to take advantage of opportunities to bless kids – to put down their tools and play with them, love them, and remember they are the reason we are there!  

Brian was invited by his dad to join us on a recent Impact Team to help bless some kids with playgrounds. There were two young girls who quickly stole the hearts of everyone on the team.  As we busily dug holes and worked to build their playground, they caught sight of half of a slide that would soon become part of their new world.

They began to climb on this piece as it sat invitingly on the ground. Brian’s heart took over, and he began playing with them. Carefully he made sure they were safely seated at one end, then picked up that end so they could experience cascading down a slide. He repeated this several times, as their squeals and laughter filled the air around us!  Watching them play, was a highlight for many that day. But I am guessing it was a memory for a lifetime for a tender-hearted servant name Brian.

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