
Roger is a Global KIDStory trainer through the ministry he serves with but he also uses the KIDStory teaching method in his home church from time to time. After teaching at his church one Sunday he shared about it with us.

“ I taught a group of kids at my church on Sunday. I shared the story of Children Coming to Jesus. To start the heart questions, I asked them to close their eyes and imagine the story and I quickly reviewed the 3-4 main pieces and asked them to imagine the scenes. My first heart question was, “ As you imagine Jesus, what does his face look like as he is blessing children and what does his face look like when the disciples are chasing the children away?” I had a boy come up and demonstrate Jesus’ expression for the blessing and a girl come up and demonstrate what she saw for the disciples. When I asked the other kids if they saw similar expressions, they respond they had seen the same. IT WAS SO AWESOME as little lightbulbs came on and these kids realized they had seen the face of Jesus! When 3rd-grade girl Olivia’s mom picked her up after church, she said to her mom, “Mom, I got to see Jesus’ face today.”



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