
KATW KIDStory Global Director is on the move once again! This time he was visiting one of our international teams in the Philippines. Continuing reading about his busy trip!

It’s a New Day in the Philippines

It’s a new day. It’s a new day.
It’s a new day of the Lord.
A day of joy and gladness
Of victories to be won.
A day of walking arm in arm
With Jesus Christ the Son.

Some of you reading this will recognize the chorus above from years ago. The lyrics themselves describe the day we just had in Manila, Philippines. The day was filled with people of all ages being impacted by God through KIDStory. I am here with our partners, Rene and Lala, who have prepared us for an incredible time here.
First stop was to a church planter’s meeting where we were anticipating 60 church planters coming together for a conference. We supposedly had 2 hours to do a vision cast for these church planters on God’s heart to reach and disciple children. Did you notice the word: Supposedly? It turned out that the church planting movement set up this time to train local high school and college students to do the discipling in their current churches and future ones to be planted. There were over 60 students and 20 pastors and church planters present. We shifted things a bit and each of us were able to make a presentation that exposed them to KIDStory, the “why” of “what” we do and then a vision cast for what God can do through them. It was a powerful time.

Next stop – a StoryClub in action. Was that ever fun to be a part of!! Over 100 kids were present (normally it is double this size but children were gone because of holidays and parents needing to go back to their original home town to vote.) This club is led by an incredible group of young adults who have a heart to reach these children, many who have behavioral problems. You would never know it as they are so engaged and integrated into the teaching. Fun and laughter was experienced by everyone throughout the time – but a seriousness when it came time to discuss what the story meant to them. I even learned a new retell activity that I can’t wait to try out!

Last stop was with some KIDStorians whom Lala and Rene wanted to gather together to encourage and allow them to experience KIDStory on a broader level. It is so encouraging to hear people’s passions to serve the Lord by reaching out to His children.

Continue to be praying for us as we continue on with our travels throughout the Philippines to minister to more church leaders and children.

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