
Our KIDStory Global Director had an amazing experience while in the Philippines with the Tim Tebow Foundation. Tim Tebow’ s father, Bob, shared an amazing testimony encouraging the leaders of the importance of children.

“Children ARE the Kingdom of God.”
-Bob Tebow
What I love about KIDStory workshops are the unique opportunities and challenges they bring. Tonight was no exception! Bob Tebow Evangelistic Association has invited us for two evenings to do the KIDStory workshop – or so I thought.  God does work out all things for His good and perfect will – if we allow Him.
Tonight’s workshop, for many reasons, became a vision cast which I believe is what God intended all along. Fifty evangelists from all over the Philippines have come together to be trained though most are naturally thinking of adults and not children. Some do evangelistic ministry in the high schools but grade school is not necessarily in their thinking. So, when asked what the greatest need is, it should not have surprised me to find the response being: I don’t know. You tell us.
I now have 50 men sitting in front of me who are evangelists, most have no concept of ministering to children, are extremely tired because they have traveled all day and just had a really big dinner.  One of KIDStory’s Core Essentials is to be Spirit Led. It was definitely going to be that way tonight!! Lord, You have been continually faithful with Your Word and Spirit to bring truth.  Tonight should be no different – I welcome You in our midst! Let’s create an environment where these big kids get to encounter You.
Words can’t describe what happened in the next hour.  Men were engaged with one another and God’s Story of Jesus blesses the children.  There was great laughter in doing a retell game, personal reflection and tinges of repentance as these men recognized how they had been treating the children like the disciples, pushing them away rather than like Jesus who passionately welcomed them into His presence.
The icing on the cake was Bob Tebow coming up afterward – a Godly man whom these evangelists greatly admire.  He passionately imparted God’s and his heart for children. He shared one of his angriest moments in ministry when an evangelist declared that 20 people had been saved during an evangelistic rally when in fact 60 people came forward.  When Bob asked how he only got 20, the man replied: Oh, we don’t count the children.  I can’t even imagine the tongue lashing this man received!!  As Bob eloquently stated: Children ARE the Kingdom of God.  You better receive them like Jesus did or be prepared for His wrath.  Thanks Bob!!!

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