
What a BIG God!

It was a family trip, with parents and students from a church in the north suburbs of Chicago.  They were using their Spring break to take a different kind of vacation. These families were going to fly to Costa Rica and serve a local church in an area that had a unique approach to impacting their community.  When it was time for this church to build a new church, they decided to build a community center instead.

The center would have an indoor soccer field, as well as a kitchen and meeting area for classrooms. They could transform the soccer field into a church auditorium on Sunday mornings. The people of the church knew if they invited the local children and youth to get involved in sports camps and fun activities, they would come.  And they did, not just for sports and games, but for church as well! But there was one thing missing… a nice playground for them to play on, even when the building was not open.

They reached out to the church near Chicago, who agreed to sponsor the project and put a team together that would travel to install their gifted playground.  The parents shared with us that they were praying their students would begin to see how big God is, and gain a global vision for His work. Little did they know what God had planned.

As they arrived at the site, they had a chance to see the photos of the playground they would be installing.  “This is the playground we grew up playing on!” exclaimed the students when they saw the photos. “This came from the elementary school where we grew up!”  They could hardly believe what they just learned. But the reality of the odds of this happening was not lost by them. They all realized this BIG God they had been learning about at home and at church, had shown His power and ability in a BIG way.  They had indeed begun to understand how BIG God really is, and their lives were impacted in big-time!

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