In June, our Impact Team went to Jerez, Spain to serve the many refugee children who find themselves relocating there from various parts of Africa and the Middle East.  London Anstine was one of the amazing members of that team. Keep reading as she shares about her experience in Spain:


It has been the utmost honor to be used by our Heavenly Father and be able to advance the Gospel in Spain. He uses every person, every family, every “yes”. As a team we were able to be trained, equipped and sent out. We learned about the different cultures we were going to be faced with and were able to practice sharing the Gospel. I personally grew up in the church but taking the time to know how to share the simple Gospel is a skill I am so blessed to now have (1 Peter 3:15). I believe it is the simple Gospel that changes people’s lives and it certainly changed mine. One of the first days on the trip, after church, we hosted the Muslim women at the church for lunch. During this time, the Lord highlighted a young Muslim girl to me. She was 15 years old. He told me “Go, love on her. Get to know her and make her feel welcomed.” So, I said okay, and went over to the girl and started to chat with her. I wanted to get to know her and love her like Jesus loves me. I wanted to see her, just as the Lord has shown me He sees me. We got to talking and it was a delight to get to know about her. My heart was stirred, my face overjoyed. I wanted to tell her about my Best Friend. I shared with her who Jesus is to me. He is always there for me. He gives joy. He is my peace. I explained the Gospel more, and eventually, asked her if she wanted my Best Friend too. “Sarah” accepted Jesus into her heart. She had a smile on her face and we both started crying.
We were able to get her a Bible in Arabic to read. A couple of days later I was able to follow up and see if she was able to read the Bible and see how her heart was. She said she had read the first 5 pages of the Bible with her mom and felt freedom and joy. I was able to explain to her how much the mentors and leaders in my life have helped me in the process of understanding the Word of God and that there was a wonderful lady who would love to explain the stories of the Bible to her. I am excited to see how the Lord continues to guide “Sarah” as she grows in her relationship with The Lord. I know that “Sarah” is going to be a leader to her generation. She is going to bring a peace and joy of the Lord that will transform and set free others through Jesus inside of her. I would love for you to pray right now for “Sarah”, that The Lord would guide her. That He would bring women around her to guide her and that she would be marked by the Holy Spirit and be a disciple and warrior for Christ. The trip was absolutely life-changing! To sit down in houses with Muslims and get to love on them and hear their stories, to be able to pray over them and follow the Lord’s leading in sharing the hope we have was such an honor. Thank you for saying “yes” to advancing the Kingdom and partnering with what The Lord is doing around the world.

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