Name: Carl Sander
HomeTown: Portland, OR
Occupation: Self-Employed
KIDS: What Impact Teams have you participated in?
Carl:  Impact Argentina in March was the first.
KIDS: What made you decide to volunteer for a KIDS’ Impact Team trip?

Carl: The Holy Spirit stirred up inside a seed that was planted 3 years prior in a packing event at Rolling Hills Church.

KIDS: What is your favorite memory/experience from serving as an IMPACT TEAM volunteer? 
Carl:  The picture above is that event.  We were wiping down the playground as we prepared to dedicate it for the children and families of Raefella.  The girls wanted to help and as you can see we all got wet due to the thunderstorm.
KIDS: Can you share a time when you saw God at work on the trip?
Carl:  The first time was in the actual down to the last minute fundraising, as GOD provided all support just at the 12 hours. The second was as I stayed behind at the hotel on Wednesday. I had a couple of moments to just rest outside after the holidays of Argentina and see the people and pray for the city as I waited to reunite with the team.  A warm sunny day with a slight breeze, beautiful city.
KIDS: What would you say to someone who is trying to decide if they should join one of our teams?
Carl: Go! You will be stretched and spent physically, but the LORD will carry you through it and you will get back so much more than you give in service.

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