
The local community initially had concerns that our playground project would eliminate the rows of buried tires the kids played on but our local partner assured them we would leave the tires in place. In the first few minutes of day one, the city leveled the playground pad and bulldozed the buried tires. With a late start and much of our team helping with the medical clinic and the VBS, we somehow ended up ahead of schedule. One of our team members, Wayde, suggested we paint and decorate the park if we had extra time after the build was complete. Another team member, Adi, suggested we build something out of the tires for the kids in an empty section of the park. We worked extra long hours on two days to finish two days early, this provided time to build and decorate a new and much-improved tire playground with climbers, balance obstacles, and paint the park. God had bigger plans for what this team would do there. Creativity from a grandpa on the trip beautified it even more. Leadership and inspiration from a youngster built an entire other playground for the kids there. The park has a long wall that we painted blue like the sky. On that wall, we pained Luke 18:16 -But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” (in Spanish of course…) proclaiming this park to be a place for children, and that they shall not be hindered. Our prayers is that the community  will listen to these words and will be inspired for the children to have a place of their own. 

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