
Julie is a 9-year-old girl who belongs to a very low-income family. One of her friends brought her to a KIDStory Club for her to be a part of. She was interested in going because she wanted to hear stories. Her grandmother used to tell stories to all the children at home. After she passed away there was no one left who could tell her stories. She was convinced to visit the club to hear stories once again. When she went to KIDStory Club she heard about the parable of hidden treasure. So she found that Jesus is a treasure for her and kingdom is a treasure for her. She said, “ I hear the story of a person who finds a treasure when I heard that I shouted Uraaaaahh! It is good to find something I have not worked for. It is a gift. My teacher says Jesus and His kingdom is a treasure for me. She says it is a true story. I will find a treasure in Jesus. This is an amazing treasure. I accept Jesus as a treasure for my life”.

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