
We partnered with this Reach Global and a Protestant Church in the Gemena area. The church has a home called the Promise Home for children with disabilities who are part of the Global Fingerprints program, an orphan sponsorship the Reach Global offers. Many of the children are sponsored through Global Fingers and they all that live at the home. There are around 20 children and all have bearing some kind of special needs, some of them physical and others with mental.  Our involvement was to put the playground there so they could use it for physical and play therapy for the kids and then also use it as income for the Promise Home. This is the only playground for five to six hundred miles and will draw kids from all over the area to come to play.  The Promise Home will be charging the kids a small amount to play that will provide both maintenances for the playground and upkeep for the home in their compound. The playground so will serve two purposes in that regard to help fund the Promise Home but also provide play to the children in need.

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