
We partnered with Arise Africa to build three playgrounds at the schools on the organization’s compound. The community in this area of Zambia is poor and neglected by the government. The children do not have access to education and there is little food available in the surrounding areas. The playgrounds are a tool to reach the community and bring more children to the schools. Arise Africa also houses children at their Arise Homes which care for the children providing education and medical attention. During one of the builds, some of the kids from the home were hanging around the site inspecting the progress. The initial thought of the playground installer was that these kids were going to cause trouble or get in the way. However, the playground crew was shorthanded that day and needed help on the build. The kids pitched right in! They wanted to be involved in the building of their new playground. They were enthusiastic about seeing the playground come together. 

These playgrounds were gifted as a memorial for a young man named Hunter who lost his life in an accident back in the states. He had made many mission trips over to Africa to help out with Arise Africa. The playgrounds were something special to him and from him because of his deep care for the children. The playgrounds were a memorial to his service and love for the children. Kids Around the World is honored to be part of this special project and fulfilling Hunters lasting impact for the children.  

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