
God rescues His children from some of the very dire situations.  Today’s story is a perfect example…  

They could hear a baby’s cry, but could not figure out where it was coming from.  There was no one around – or so they thought.  

They searched all over, in and around nearby huts and even around the outhouse.  No baby. Then someone looked IN the outhouse. Still, they didn’t see him. With concern for what they might see, they peeked into the pit of the outhouse, and there, in a most disgusting location, they saw the baby boy crying out.

Reaching into the mess they scoop him out, quickly cleaned him up and took him to the nearby orphanage, where a Pastor from America would surely take this boy and care for him.  When they arrived, they told the Pastor and his wife the story. With broken hearts, they welcomed the boy into their home and family. As they prayed for him, they felt a real sense from the Lord to name him Moses – for God had rescued him from the “water” because of His great love and plan for him.

We met Moses during one of our playground trips to Haiti and loved watching this little boy, full of life and energy play, slide, and laugh.  We’ve checked in on him a few times during subsequent trips. His new parents believe, much like the first Moses, that God rescued this little boy for a very great purpose.  And they continue to tell him that the Lord saved him, to one day be His chosen leader for the people of Haiti. 


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