In Minya, Egypt:  Reda is the Egyptian leader of the Children’s Movement within NEO (Near East Organization).  In 19 years of ministry, Kids Around the World is the first mission organization to truly partner with him in implementing a strategy to reach and disciple the children in the villages they serve in.  You lay down your time, position and expertise to elevate me and my staff so we can be all that God is asking of us.  One mission group of 18 people came to visit Reda and shared how they could help him minister to the children.  Reda took them out to a KIDStory Club to show them how they were already ministering to the children.  Their response as they were leaving:  You need to come show us how to minister to children!Starting to use KIDStory two years ago, Reda also shared that:
•       Children are now studying the Bible on their own including one 10-year-old boy who previously had severe sexual addictions.
•       Attendance has gone up 40%
•       KIDStory is now being used in 40 villages with 1350 children attending and 180 volunteers leading them
•       Parents are becoming much more involved with their children spiritually and in reading the Bible together
•       Churches are now contacting them, as far away as a 10 hour bus ride, to come and teach them how to reach and disciple the childrenJesus is transforming lives!The Egyptian team has done an incredible job in teaching the 40 participants all they need to know to use KIDStory where they serve in the villages of Minya and the surrounding communities.  As Americans, we think of villages being on the outskirts of town with huts on acres of field with the cattle roaming on them.  Not so here.  Think of dark, narrow streets, litter piled up on those narrow streets and lights dimly lit.  We had the opportunity to go visit a KIDStory Club in one of those villages last night.  So amazing, so humbling – such a contrast between dark and light.

I asked the pastor where the KIDStory Club was held, what difference the Club was having in his village.  The vast majority of our village is Muslim.  The Muslim children will come and stand at the door to listen and watch what the other children are doing.  Tonight, one of my daughter’s Muslim friends actually came in with her.  They see a difference in us.  It has also helped our own children grow deeper in their relationship with Christ.  Our leaders are able to better engage with the children in fun, interactive ways while studying God’s Word.

The pictures will tell you the complete story!

With lots of hugs, tears and selfies, we say See you later (Not good bye!).  Be in prayer for these dear brothers and sisters – they are our family.  Tremendous persecution and opposition face them constantly, yet through it all, the light of Jesus shines ever so brightly.

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