“The Lord has put his Spirit in me,
    because he appointed me to tell the Good News to the poor.
He has sent me to tell the captives they are free
    and to tell the blind that they can see again. Isaiah 61:1
God sent me to free those who have been treated unfairly Isaiah 58:6
and to announce the time when the Lord
will show his kindness.”Isaiah 61:2
Luke 4:18-19
When Jesus spoke these words from the book of Isaiah, he was letting His followers know that he was the fulfillment of these prophecies.  But at the end of His life, Jesus then gave this same commission to His followers so that now we are His ambassadors, representing Him in all that is said and done.
A word from KIDStory Global Director and his wife.
As KIDStory continues to expand around the globe, millions of children are experiencing these prophetic words being fulfilled today. In the verse above, instead of the word me, interchange these local KIDS trained ministry leaders’ names.  The recipients are the children who share these stories:
·       In Pakistan, a 9-year-old girl hears the story of the Buried Treasure for the first time.  “I hear the story of a person who finds a treasure when I heard that I shouted Uraaaaahh! My teacher says Jesus and His kingdom is a treasure for me. This is amazing. I accept Jesus as a treasure for my life”.
·       In an area of Kenya where 99% of the people are Muslim, an 11-year-old boy walks for miles on muddy paths to get to his KIDStory Club getting intimate with the true word of God with other children.
·       In the US, a non-verbal autistic boy is now retelling Bible stories to his classmates and family.  His mom’s response?  “I don’t know what that teaching method was, but whatever it is, keep doing it.”
This too from Heather …
Greetings to all you who are supporting the spread of the gospel through KIDStory.
I asked Gary if I could speak a word in this Thanksgiving missile as I feel deeply the heart of God concerning reaching the children. I was thinking last night of how thankful I am to have come to know salvation through Jesus at a very early age and have His Spirit in my life since. I was given the opportunity to hear the story of Jesus dying on the cross for me at bedtime one night by my mother. To this day I remember the deep response to the truth, and I received His blood covering that night.
As I look back, I have greater understanding and more knowledge of God built over years, but what I had then, is, and will continue to be, the most important thing – a true spirit to God’s Spirit response. It is the thing Jesus referred to when He said we must come as a young child to Him…meaning a whole heart/spirit response that is unfettered by natural rationale/reason that takes over as we ‘mature’. I want to be the true worshiper that God desires…one who worships in spirit…and in truth. I also want to see every child have the opportunity that I had. These children around the world who have seen much, can still respond to God from the heart/spirit, but do not yet have that Truth.
This is what we are supporting when we send Gary and those who minister with him around the world to train others… to take that beautiful story of Jesus and the Word of God to spread exponentially wherever the fire of that Truth is taken. The Spirit of Truth with the Word of Truth released to be received by the open hearts of children everywhere! (Most of whom end up also sharing it with their families!). Can we say Hallelujah!?!
We are so blessed to participate with God in this that is so close to His heart. We ask that God’s full blessing be poured over you because He responds to your faithful support of His heart in this.
Please be praying that:
· hearts are opened to receive the Good News,
· eyes to be opened physically and spiritually to see the amazing things God is doing in their midst and…
· ears to hear the announcements of God’s faithfulness and kindness.
Know that your financial support goes for:
· the poor to attend the workshops,
· travel expenses for people to be sent and tell
· KIDStory Clubs to be established so the Good News can be told to kids around the world

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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