
It is our joy to share this testimony of a family from our KIDStory Club that meets every Saturday. Banu and Priya (names changed) are sisters from a non-Christian family who have been attending our KIDStory Club from a very tender age of 3 or so. The mother would regularly drop the children off every Saturday. The girls are now around 11 and 9. What has happened over the years is that these children have developed a deep faith in the Lord Jesus. We have watched these children pray and worship God most sincerely.

This testimony we share is about their parents and the way the Lord has been working in their lives.  A couple of months back we heard that the family was in much debt and also that the father, who is a carpenter, hasn’t had a job for three months.  The family, which was doing well earlier, was in severe financial crisis. Mike and his wife, Esther, went to visit them, to encourage them to trust in the Lord and prayed over their situation. Both of them were in tears. The girls came rushing to Mike and Esther that Saturday and told them the very next day after they prayed, their Dad got calls from three places and he was back at work. 

The parents who are staunch followers of another faith, for the first time, decided to attend the monthly prayer meetings that were conducted by a couple, (who are KIDStory Trainers and are also part of the KIDStory Club leaders’ team).  Recently, the family moved to a house in another area, and as they were in much debt, the debtors thought that they were cheating them and therefore created a ruckus and insisted the debt be cleared immediately.

Here’s a testimony the mother shared: “I was walking down the road a couple of weeks back, really troubled about some situation and wondering to myself if following Jesus was the right thing I was doing. A lady on a bicycle came towards me and stopped. She said, “You seem very worried, but don’t be anxious.  Jesus is right beside you and He asked me to tell you that He loves you and will help you through this situation you are facing.”  The children’s mother told us that she did not even know who the lady was, but the situation she faced just got solved a few minutes later.

Recently, the mother and daughters have started to pray together and the entire family is attending the church that is conducted by the couple leading it.  However, the father does not fully believe. He wanted to go on a pilgrimage as is custom this time of the year for those of this non-Christian faith but the children and mother were firm he should not do so. That evening the mother was troubled with severe pain and gastritis. As she kept struggling she said, “I was suddenly surprised to see my husband kneel down and pray to Jesus for me.  I was totally healed in a few minutes. The pain left and I was perfectly well.”


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