
There are more then 80.000 Roma children living in the South of Serbia. Through the grace of God, we have started the first ever KIDSStory Club specifically for the Roma children in the strategic city of Leskovac. The dream and the hope is that, in the next 12 moths, we will expand the KIDStory Clubs all throughout South of the country, training hundreds of children’s workers and reaching thousands of children. The potential for the gospel is surreal and there has never been a better time to start securing the next generation for the Kingdom of God by creating an atmosphere and environment of love of Jesus and guidance of the Holy Spirit!

It has been about a month since we started the KIDStory Club and we already have about 25 children coming regularly to learn more about Jesus. We also have five teens/adults who are in the training process with one of them starting a new KIDStory Club in two weeks! What fantastic news!

A beautiful testimony which will warm your heart.

Meet Stana. Stana is 6 years old coming from a extremely poor family with parents and two siblings living in one room. Stana is a beautiful child but has a condition which makes her stutter all the time. Because of this, all of her friends mock her which brings her a lot of suffering. Almost always, because of the fear of being mocked by other children, Stana will sit at the very end, somewhere hidden.

This has been increasingly disturbing to me and after praying, the Lord revealed a small plan of encouragement for Stana. Two weeks ago, in one of our meetings, I invited all of the children to come before Stana did and expressed to them the heart of God that wants to help Stana. After the lesson, we usually have a verse to remember which all of the children would shout loud. After all of the children passed, it was Stana’s turn. Of course, just like always, she was unwilling to do it and was hiding behind her older sister. On that moment, all of us started chanting clapping our hands and with a smile on our faces yelling her name Stana, Stana, Stana, Stana you can do it, Stana you can do it” cheering for her as for the greatest champion, and then a total breakout which almost brought me to tears, to see Stana reciting the verse with them together and then by herself publicly! Of course, it wasn’t perfect, of course she still had an issue of stutter but what was different this time is that she felt welcomed in the environment where Jesus and His people would accept and love her no matter what! What brought me to tears is to see how the environment of Jesus’ love can bring freedom and inward healing to children but also to the adults. If Moses had a stuttering problem and yet despite the condition was one of the greatest prophets to have ever lived, I am certain that the LOVE and CARE of Jesus will make Stana and others great leaders and influencers around the Globe. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!

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