
A moment from team leader, Julie Rearick’s, Haiti playground project

On the last day, after the concrete was poured and the playground was finished the team gathered inside the school for lunch. After we finished lunch, each young Haitian man shared his dreams, struggles, and prayer requests.  Dave, Larry, Russ (KATW volunteers) and I prayed over each one asking for God’s blessing and answers to their needs (which many were extremely emotional). One young man, Joelyn, really touched my heart as he expressed his desire for strength and courage to keep working.  He said he was discouraged because he has no one to help him. When I asked how old he was and he said 22, my tears began to flow. This young man was quieter and more reserved than the other four guys. He cried when we prayed over him.  We talked several times before I flew back to the states. Joelyn is like so many others I meet on these playground project, they have no hope. He is the reason I continue to go back to Haiti year after year and why pray for the children and adults that I meet. The barriers to progress in this country is in the future of the young adults and children. Keep these children and communities in your prayers.

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