
The Lord has been molding and guiding our steps in Generation Hope. Through God’s leading, KATW started Generation Hope movements alongside the local church in key regions around the world, typically areas with a high population of impoverished, vulnerable, or orphaned children. Within these movements, communities under-reached with the Gospel are identified, and Hope Zones are established.

Our Hope Zones in Ecuador are multiplying! We now have 8 Hope Zones in key communities throughout Ecuador! Hundreds of children are hearing God’s Word and receiving meals every week. And last week, we installed our 4th playground, creating a place where kids and families can gather, and the local church connects with the community.

We have been blessed with God’s provision in these movements. We have seen transformation taking place throughout whole communities. Government officials are joining us to bring our food program and playgrounds to fruition. Fathers, who are otherwise absent, are helping with the playground builds because they want to give their children the opportunity to have a safe place to play.

Our 8th Hope Zone was a true confirmation of God’s divine work. Our team prayed over a vacant lot in February that we hoped would be a Hope Zone one day. Last week part of our team traveled to Ecuador with a team of generous supporters to break ground at the very spot they prayed over only a few months prior.  Today there is a beautiful playground in that lot, bringing joy to children and the community.

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