
Meet Zayjan and his best friend, Miko. Zayjan joined a StoryClub in his village in SE Asia, where children are spiritually and physically fed. He showed up barefoot and carrying a big dish. When asked why he is barefooted, he shared that his mother cannot afford to buy shoes because they are a big family consisting of nine children. This also helps explain the big dish; he gets food for his whole family and not just himself!

Zayjan’s parents have greatly appreciated the love and care his StoryClub has given to him. Other children in the village pick on Zayjan because of his appearance, but Zayjan knows what truly matters. During one of their StoryClubs, Zayjan shared an inspiring message with the group, “Jesus does not look at the outward appearance of children but cares more about their hearts. It doesn’t matter how poor or rich you are.”

God’s transforming love starts here and quickly spreads, as His children share it with those around them. The smallest hearts have it figured out. Let’s celebrate them today. 

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