
The Good News

Welcome to our quarterly newsletter, The Good News, featuring stories of how God has been working through Kids Around The World. Enjoy!

So Far in 2022…

Million Meals Packed
Playgrounds Built
Thousand Kids Being Discipled
Active Hope Zones


“As I think back to the last ten months of being a part of KATW, there’s so much to be thankful for.  Being a part of the Food Program is an amazing experience. What I love the most is being able to interact with so many different people while leading Food Packing Events around the U.S. Being able to see such a diverse group of people from young children to the elderly gather to serve, packing meals together for children around the world is an incredible thing to watch. I’ve experienced a lot of wonderful times this year at events! 

One simple and impactful moment was leading a Food Packing Event for a local elementary school in January.  Initially, most of the kids didn’t fully understand what they were doing packing meals.  I had the opportunity to share with them what these meals would mean to the children that receive them. I could see their eyes open wide as they realized what they got to do and its meaning. They realized the impact they would have on kids just like them! And there was one girl that came up to me with a huge smile on her face and said to me with great enthusiasm, “I WANT TO DO THIS EVERY DAY!”. It was such a sweet moment to see that type of response. It is just one of many reasons I am thankful to be a part of what God is doing through KATW.”

-David, KATW Staff 


“I recently had the opportunity to serve with a couple of men on a trip to Northern Iraq to partner with Samaritan’s Purse in building six playgrounds. We built two of the playgrounds at a brand-new facility run by Samaritan’s Purse called the Yazidi Empowerment Project. It is a facility that can house up to 75 Yazidi families still seeking stability and a source of income since being forced from their homes by ISIS seven years ago. After completing those two playgrounds, we traveled to the next city, where we built four playgrounds for community parks where children and families can benefit from the gift of play as they work to rebuild their lives. 

It was wonderful to see the work that Samaritan’s Purse is doing in that region, both with the Yazidi people and other communities that have been ravaged by war. They are bringing hope and encouragement through the love of Christ to those communities. It was humbling and encouraging to meet the people acting as Jesus’ hands and feet and doing the redemptive work of the Gospel in Iraq. Praise God that we had the opportunity to play a small role in that work!”

-Sam, KATW Staff

Six more playgrounds in the books. Six more communities equipped to come together around laughter, joy, and hope. We are excited to see all that God does with these environments and children! 


“My name is Trajce, and I lead a StoryClub in Serbia.  One day, the children told me many kids who attend my Club would not speak to each other and were angry with one another. I prayed for wisdom on approaching this, not with guilt, but by love.  God gave me the story of Joseph to tell the children. After I shared the story of Joseph forgiving his brothers, there was an incredible presence of the redemptive power of Christ among us. I challenged them to listen to what the Holy Spirit was telling them. In one accord, they stood up, asked each other for forgiveness, and promised they would always be friends and glorify Christ through their relationships. 

I was amazed by the kids’ immediate reaction, those who stood up right away and were prepared to ask and give forgiveness. It was such a beautiful lesson for me personally to let Christ work in our lives and to forgive as soon as possible. I am learning from them as much as they are from me.

Glory to God,”

-Trajce, StoryClub Leader, Serbia


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Coming to you from one of our Ecuador Hope Zones. Kids are meeting in their StoryClubs, hearing God’s Story, and sharing their own stories. While kids continue to grow and learn in their faith, God’s Story becomes part of their story. 

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