
“Thank God for what you have and ask God for what you need.”

One of our StoryClub leaders in Serbia expressed that she leads a very enthusiastic StoryClub. Her StoryClub is held at a preschool where a majority of the children attending this preschool have parents who are not Christians. One day Daniela shared the story of Jesus praying the Lord’s prayer, Matthew 6. After the lesson five-year-old Diego was inspired to go home and teach his parents how to pray. Diego asked Daniela, “What should I pray for?” Daniela told him, “Thank God for what you have and ask God for what you need.”

That evening, Diego’s family was gathered together for dinner. As everyone was about to eat, he said, “Can we pray before we eat?” His parents looked at each other and eventually said, “We don’t know how to pray, but you learn about the Bible at school so you can pray.”
Diego began to pray, “Thank you Father for this food. Please heal my mother from her disease and find a job for my dad. Amen!”

His parents were amazed at how simple yet fitting this prayer was. Now every time they eat, they start with prayer, and little by little, they are all learning how to pray.

Stories like this are perfect reminders of how God can use us at any age. Young or old God invites us to help make Heaven more crowded!

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