
The Good News

Welcome to our quarterly newsletter, The Good News, featuring stories of how God has been working through Kids Around The World. Enjoy!

At the Close of 2023…

Million Meals Packed
Playgrounds Built
Million Kids Being Discipled
Hope Zone Communities

We have witnessed God grow and expand our hearts and ministry with significant pace and magnitude.  As 2023 draws to a close we have so much to be thankful for.  Yet, saying “Thank You!” never seems like quite enough.  We’re deeply grateful that you continue to say YES! when serving communities around the world with compassion and generosity.   


From October through December we have hosted 41 food packing events for 3.1 million meals with over 10,350 volunteers.  Working at meal events with everyone has been a blast –  we’ve surrounded ourselves with some pretty awesome (and fun!) partners that make serving others pure JOY!

Experiencing It Come Full Circle 

It’s been an incredible journey watching the whole process unfold from kick-off to grand finale alongside our partner, Southridge Church. They began with their inaugural meal packing event in October and extended their efforts by building a playground for a Hope Zone in Las Chacras, Ecuador.  Moreover, they distributed the meals they packed! We’re confident that the impact not only blessed children in our global communities but also greatly impacted their church community.

Seniors of Santa Fe Finish High School Strong 

We’re eagerly anticipating the upcoming trip of Santa Fe Christian’s high school seniors to Ecuador next year! After packing and delivering 200,000 meals for children this 4th quarter, they’re extending their impact, as student leaders, by constructing a playground in an underprivileged community. We love seeing transformative changes in the lives of many – here and there!

“Everything’s Bigger In Texas!” 

Definitely holds true for our friends at Cottonwood Baptist down in Texas. Showing up in massive support for hungry tummies in Kenya, our church partner hosted an oversized packing event in support of over 250,000 meals being shipped to Africa. 

Growing A Tradition

During their 9th Annual Frankfort Food Packing Event, 600 volunteers packed over 177,000 meals in under 3 hours! This annual tradition, initiated by the faithful support of the Kemerer Family in 2015, recently hit a memorable milestone as they packed their 1 millionth meal. Working together at Grand Prairie Elementary School, these meals will soon reach children in Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, and Uganda.


Active Change-Makers In Nicaragua

From Managua to Jinotega, various big-hearted organizations joined with KATW to spread love across several Nicaraguan communities this past quarter. Feed the Hungry USA and Feed the Hungry Nicaragua, RINO Global Solutions/Foundation, Planet Evangelism, and dedicated individuals collaborated to bring immense joy to children by planting multiple playgrounds in communities there.  

One partner exclaimed, “Hard to imagine that one year ago, these kids were foraging through the garbage dump just to find something of value so they could afford water or food for a day.  Now, thanks to incredible donors and volunteers who stepped up … we have helped build a community to make life better with new homes and a new playground the kids can call their own!”   

“Children with disabilities are often treated as burdens and second-class citizens in third world countries, but with this new gift of play…these kids can forget about their disabilities and learn new abilities to grow strong in body, mind and spirit” remarked another active change-maker!  

Global Outreach Trip to Dominican Republic

In November, KATW organized a short-term trip (1 of our 30 trips this year!) to the DR with the purpose of constructing a playground for the children in the village of Frenito.  With the goal of creating a safe place for the children to play, a local woman who has a heart for the community and children there, donated land beside a newly constructed church atop a hill.  Wishing to remain anonymous, she simply asked that God receive the honor and praise! Here, 26 people from across the US came together to build into a community that needed uplifting encouragement through the joyful gift of PLAY.  The team leader noted, “ it became evident that God had bigger and more significant plans for us than we could’ve imagined.” 

One trip participant noticed that, “Most homes we visited had minimal toys. One particular boy, whose mother was deaf and mute, was initially very shy and hesitant during our earlier visits. He lacked joy, often shying away or hiding when we tried to engage playfully. In a heartwarming turn though, we found on playground dedication day that the boy was joyfully engaged, running, jumping, and hugging, while his mother wore a mix of joy, pride, and gratitude as they bonded together in this place.  Witnessing their newfound connection was truly beautiful – it made many of us tear up!”  

New Location for KATW

Funded through a private donor and with the generous partnership of Resurrection Power Ministries, playgrounds were recently built on the new and unique island location of Cape Verde off the Western Coast of Africa. The ministry’s mission, inspired by “Jesus Christ’s example,” aims to feed the hungry and equip youth with tools for their educational growth. Our team was honored to collaborate closely with the tight-knit community and its residents to build three playgrounds for the communities there.


Ministering to the Differently-abled

Encouraging news!  Our KIDStory leadership recently held a webinar series on how to share God’s great love story to children affected with handicaps.  This training series focused on discipling precious children by meeting them where they’re at and challenging StoryClub leaders to become more like Jesus by using their skills to welcome, include and love everyone.  One impacted attendee shared, “It was one of the best webinars I have attended! I felt pulled into the world of being disabled in fresh ways.” 

Pictured Here: Through initiatives like HOPE WALKS, children born with club feet are learning in their StoryClub about “walking in the knowledge” of God’s immense love for them!

Jesus Loves Even Me?!?

Nicaragua is set to bear much fruit for future generations through a partnership between KATW,  Overflowing Hands and Empowered Dreamers.

Over 30 leaders are fervently establishing new churches while integrating programs for the hearing impaired.  Their passion lies in introducing ALL to Jesus!

Given among the roughly 80 deaf individuals attending established churches, pastors have recognized various opportunities in which to serve them.  These individuals face multiple challenges: illiteracy, societal rejection impacting family dynamics, educational barriers and limited job opportunities with frequent dismissal due to their deafness.

To address these challenges, literacy programs and sign language development specifically for biblical concepts have been initiated. The KIDStory program shares the gospel to both hearing impaired and visual learners among children and adults.  Praise God!  

Testimonies are shared with deep gratitude for the church’s  outreach.  Many remark that it’s the first time they feel Jesus’ love and genuine interest in their lives!  

The training of deaf leaders and the impact of KIDStory in Nicaragua reaffirms that there are no limits to what God can do.


Short Term Trips – Long Term Impact

Over the past two months, we have had many amazing teams join us on our mission to spread hope to kids around the world in each of our Hope Zone locations: Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Uganda.  Across the board, our local partners were blessed with the enthusiasm and encouragement of our volunteers. The foundations were laid for relationships we will continue cultivating for our mission’s future. 

  • South Coast Church’s team of 13 visited the community of Pacoche, Ecuador and partnered with the youth, as well as local leaders Fabian and Graciela, to complete the construction of a playground in the nearby community of San Lorenzo. A long time coming, the local team needed help locating a piece of land for the build which thanks to the grace of God was completed!
  • A team of 23 volunteers, including a small group of kids, eagerly joined our open trip to the Dominican Republic. Super joyful in completing the job, one might assume that the adults were putting in the bulk of the work, but the kids pitched in and put their fellow team members to shame with their boundless energy! Their hard work and dedication paid off at the inauguration celebration, as they watched the local children take great joy in playing!  

What Impact Personally Looks Like

Amidst challenging seasonal rainstorms in Aguas Blancas, Ecuador, a beacon of hope is nurtured by families, local leaders, and Kids Around the World staff. This resilient community defies odds and showcases dedication through their weekly StoryClub where provision is made for vital nourishment to the children and families.  

This crucial space is their Hope Zone. 

Here, God’s love takes root, making a profound, undeniable impact.

Sonia, a dedicated mother and the steadfast leader of the Hope Zone, tirelessly navigates the steep slope on a weekly basis, ensuring that children eagerly awaiting the StoryClub receive the Word of God. Her unwavering commitment involves transporting her family and necessary materials on a trusty donkey!

Sonia’s story mirrors the unyielding determination of Aguas Blancas’ children, like Miriell and Sofia, who brave harsh conditions to attend the StoryClub. Supported by their parents, they overcome challenging terrain, mud, rain, even climbing across meadows, in pursuit of spiritual growth and the gift of OneMeal. Despite obstacles, the children’s commitment to learning and deepening their faith paints a poignant picture of hope.  

Your partnership in Hope Zones enables this!  A place for hope to be fed and flourish when there is determination and a hunger for gospel knowledge.


Uganda Vision Trip 

Joined by 5 distinct churches and multiple individual partners, we recently journeyed to Uganda to present the vision of God’s leading and our expanding efforts. With a glimpse into our 2024 growth objectives, the team witnessed and engaged in initiatives across several communities, including visits to refugee camps. As a memorable bonus, the team took part in constructing a playground and blessing a local community of children.

GO! Global Outreach Trip Sign-Ups

Our 2024 GO! trips are now open! 

We invite you to join us on an upcoming global outreach experience like no other where you can “GO! Serve Others!” 

We promise you will be profoundly affected as you positively impact the lives of children because…You Serving = Communities Transformed

GO! ahead and explore service opportunities here: https://kidsaroundtheworld.com/trips/#open

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