
Only – day left to provide meals for this Holiday season…

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Live out your gratitude this season by helping feed kids around the world. By starting a 2-3 day Facebook fundraiser you will help us provide nutritious meals to kids all over the world as well as introduce others in your network to Kids Around The World!

When you provide a meal to a starving child, you let them know they are not forgotten, you help meet one of their most basic needs, and you allow them to begin to experience HOPE.  (Matthew 25:35)

What happens when a child has OneMeal each day?

  • Staves off the deadly effects of hunger
  • Improves brain function and a child’s ability to learn in school
  • Promotes healthy physical growth and activity
  • Helps to break the cycle of poverty by empowering children to learn, grow and become contributing members of their communities
  • Alleviates the daily stress and worry of where their next meal will come from
  • Allows a child to begin to think and dream about their future

Help ensure a child has a nutritious meal each day this holiday season!

For as little as $15, you can ensure that a child has a nutritious meal every day this holiday season (every day this November & December)

  1. On your desktop browser click Fundraisers in the left menu of your News Feed -OR- on your mobile device, click the   menu in the upper or lower right and select Fundraisers.
  2. Click Raise Money.
  3. Select Nonprofit or Charity.
  4. Search and select ‘Kids Around the World
  5. Using the provided banner image & text, edit your cover photo, update your title, and fill in the details of your fundraiser.“Join me in supporting a good cause! I’m raising funds to help provide meals for hungry children this holiday season. For $15, you can ensure that a child has a nutritious meal every day this holiday season(every day this November & December). Deliver Hope to a child all year long through the gift of a daily meal. Thank you!”
  6. Set your duration (we suggest 2-3 days) and then set your Goal Amount to an amount you feel is achievable (you can always increase it later). The default suggested amount is $200.
  7. Click Create.
  8. After you’re all done, share your fundraiser with your friends & family!

Don’t have Facebook, but still want to donate? You can do that too!

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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