[minti_headline font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-xxl” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” margin=”35px 0 35px 0″] Impact Teams

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Each year, Kids Around the World sends teams composed of playground builders, play relief teachers, and many others who connect with and assist those in need. Teamwork on the mission field is crucial in demonstrating genuine love to the local community, as well as how healthy relationships can accomplish positive change, forever impacting a nation for Christ. Team members also express life transformation as they engage poor, war-torn communities around the world, overflowing in the love that the Father has for the precious individuals living there.

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JOIN ONE OF OUR UPCOMING TRIPS!    [minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=”” id=”trips”]Apply Now[/minti_button]

June 20-28, 2019: Jerez, Spain


Application Deadline: April 8, 2019
Trip Date: June 20-28, 2019
Cost: $1650 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
1st Installment: $750 due 5/6
Final Payment:
 Remaining balance due 6/10

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: The refugee crisis around the world has impacted over 60 million people with one half of them being children. This summer we are bringing a team back to Jerez, Spain to love and care for the children caught in the middle of this crisis. Spain has become the epicenter in Europe for refugees and migrants and our local partner has a heart to receive them and share God’s love with them. On this trip you will learn more about refugees and how to reach them with the Gospel as well as build hope into the lives of the children thru a Sports Camp and playground build. Space is limited – so sign up today!

Local Partner Info:  Tharsis Betel is a local evangelical church that has a heart for reaching the lost. Their unique location has given them access to thousands of refugees and their programming ensures the Gospel is being declared thru Word and deed.

Team Leader: Chris Marshall

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

June 23 - July 1, 2019: Siguatepeque, Honduras

Application Deadline: April 22, 2019
Trip Date: June 23 – July 1, 2019
Cost: $1300*airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 6/10

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Last year we sent a team to Honduras with our partner, TerraMica, and it was all we could have imagined. This summer we are going back. This trip will center around building a public park in the center of Siguatepeque as well as support TerraMica’s other projects that focus on small plot coffee farmers and their families. If you like construction, playing with kids and seeing community development in action this is the trip for you!

Team Leader: Andrew Martin

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

June 30 - July 6, 2019: Fuentes TJ, Mexico

*This trip is closed to the public*

Application Deadline: April 8, 2019
Trip Date: June 30 – July 6, 2019
Cost: $1345 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 6/17

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Want to join a unique Kids Around the World trip? In July 2019, First Free Rockford Students and leaders will join us in Northern Mexico, as we serve Pastor Daniel Nunez and Kingdom Builders ministry. What’s unique? We aren’t actually building a playground! Instead, we will spend part of our days building a house for one of the homeless families or widows at one of the church plants near them. The rest of the day, and some evenings, we will be conducting KIDStory outreach and working with some local church leaders to establish a StoryClub or two. Clubs that will continue after we leave, as they call and disciple the children in their communities. A StoryClub is a place where kids can come week after week to learn and apply God’s Word through an environment that facilitates discipleship; where Jesus can transform a child’s life, for now, and for eternity! Can you think of a better way to spend a week of summer vacation?

Local Partner Info:  Kingdom Builders is a church-planting and pastor-developing ministry in Northern Baja, Mexico outside of Tijuana. They work hard to establish cores of believers in many villages, some of which began as squatter settlements. They also serve the local churches in many ways, including constructing simple homes for people who need them and who the church is trying to reach for Christ, or help grow in Christ. The homes come in panels, ready to assemble after volunteers frame up, mix, and pour the concrete slab/floor.

We will be staying in their guest house dorm rooms, enjoying home-cooked meals by some of the ladies there who love to fill us with authentic Mexican food! They are excited to have us come to serve with them and help them grow their effectiveness and outreach into their communities.

Team Leader: Mike Young

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

July 3-8, 2019: Montrouis, Haiti

[minti_alert type=”warning” close=”false”]This trip has been postponed due to civil unrest in-country.[/minti_alert]

*This trip is closed to the public*

Application Deadline: April 1, 2019 *Spaces are limited
Trip Date: July 3-8, 2019
Cost: $1010*airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 5/28

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Join Lake Wisconsin Church for an exciting opportunity build a playground for some pretty special kids! We will be partnering with Schools for Haiti to build a playground at their Grace Christian School in Montrouis. Grace Christian School currently provides 225 children with a strong Christian education and a healthy nutritious meal every school day.

We will also be serving the local community through a variety of ministry opportunities, including the distribution of “The Shoe that GrowsTM.” “The Shoe That GrowsTM” has 5x the impact of ordinary shoes because it expands 5 sizes and lasts for years. With shoes, kids are healthier, attend school more often, and are more confident.

Local Partner Info:  Schools for Haiti – The eight schools and the kindergarten that Schools for Haiti support impact the lives of approximately 1,700 Haitian children through Gospel-centered education and nutritious meals five days a week.

Team Leader: Kim Pollock / Tracy Jesse

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

July 5-13, 2019: Comas, Peru

Application Deadline: April 29, 2019
Trip Date: July 5-13, 2019
Cost: $1500 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 6/24
Additional Expenses: Machu Picchu excursion – $550; Meals on travel and Excursion days.

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Over the last few years, we have had an incredible partnership with Su Refugio Ministries! Our shared vision to reach children with nutritious food, playgrounds and the Gospel using KIDStory has benefitted thousands of kids across the country. On this trip, we will be building a playground and relationships in Comas at one of the thirteen Community Care Centers we partner in with Su Refugio. Join us as we build hope and bring love to the children of Comas.

Local Partner Info:  Find more about Su Fugio Peru – http://www.surefugio.org/su-refugio-peru/

Team Leader:

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

July 13-21, 2019: Babahoyo, Ecuador

*This trip is closed to the public*

Application Deadline: May 6, 2019
Trip Date: July 13-21, 2019
Cost: $1600 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 7/1
Additional Expenses: Dinners & 2 lunches (approx. $150)

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Make your impact in Ecuador. We are heading to Babahoyo this summer. Babahoyo is a community of about 150,000 people. It’s bordered by two rivers, the San Pablo and the Caracol, which join to form the Babahoyo River. While this creates a beautiful environment, it also creates annual flooding that has a huge impact on this community. We will be partnering with a local church that has a ministry to 180 kids. The playground will be a tremendous tool for the church to use as it pursues the children of Babahoyo.

Team Leader: Dave Dahl

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

July 20-28, 2019: Rincon Grande, Guatemala

*This trip is closed to the public*

Application Deadline: April 1, 2019
Trip Date: July 20-28, 2019
Cost: $725 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 7/8

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: This Impact Guatemala trip for young men age 14 – 18 years features both Soccer & Playground installation. The soccer team will be playing games of 11 vs 11 and 5 vs 5 with local players. Coaching and training will be included during the trip with former Honduras player Kennett Sylva and local Guatemala club coach Cesar Sa.

Kids Around the World Impact Teams are transformational experiences for members and the communities they serve. Our playground builders/soccer team will connect with and assist locals in need. Teamwork on the mission field is crucial in demonstrating genuine love to a local community. Join our team and share the overflowing love from the Father who loves you and the precious individuals living in Rincon Grande, Zaragoza Guatemala.

Local Partner Info: Our playground partner for this project is Pastor Lester Guerrero Juarez with Iglesia Nueva Vision, Ministerio Manaom. This wonderful ministry provides children with food, spiritual support and meet the needs for over 80 children daily along with other local families. Over 500 children in the local community will have access to this Kids Around the World playground! This playground will bring this community together where children can play, families can gather and spiritual needs will be met.

Team Leader: Bruce & Julie Rearick

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

August 22 - Sept. 1, 2019: Gemena, Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Zaire)

*Limited space available*

Application Deadline: April 15, 2019
Trip Date: August 22 – Sept. 1, 2019
Cost: $2500*airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 7/29

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Join us in the Democratic Republic of Congo as we partner with ReachGlobal’s Global Fingerprints in Gemena. On this trip you will have the opportunity to bless the children of the Promise Home and the surrounding community with a playground as well as engage them in Gospel-centered activities and lessons. We will also have the opportunity to tour Gemena and some surrounding areas.

Local Partner Info:  GlobalFingerprints is the child sponsorship ministry of ReachGlobal. They partner with national churches around the world to send children to school and help care for their physical, spiritual and emotional needs.

The Promise Home is a home for children with special needs, who are sponsored through GlobalFingerprints. At the Promise Home, children are taught to read and write (many have never been able to go to school). They are taught basic life skills, given physical therapy and are shown the love of Jesus by those caring for them.

The Promise Home fills a void left by the complete lack of social and emotional support for those with disabilities. Their goal is to help these children with special needs by expressing the love of Jesus and helping them transition in to society as healthy, capable adults.

Team Leader: Sam Snyder

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

August 1 - 11, 2019: Pagirinya, Uganda

Application Deadline: May 13, 2019
Trip Date: August 1 – 11, 2019
Cost: $1645 (for single room add $250)*airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 7/22

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Over the last decade, Uganda has seen an influx of refugees from South Sudan spill over their borders. Within the last year, almost 1 million more have entered into the country. Come join us as we serve these desperate people and meet local heroes who have courageously stood in the gap for their neighbors. On this trip we will be encouraging these refugees with outreach programs, playgrounds, food and other resources which we hope will encourage them as build their lives in Uganda. This is a great trip to build your heart for Africa and the beautiful people that are making a difference there.

Local Partner Info:  Pastor Moses is a S. Sudanese refugee that has a heart for his fellow people. He has been ministering to children and families for several years and has a thriving ministry that is growing. His main focus is reaching the children, discipling them and bringing informal education to them. Our goal is to equip Pastor Moses, encourage him and build his capacity to reach even more of the “little ones” in the refugee camps.

Additional Expenses: Debrief in National Park – $250, Visa – $55, Yellow Fever Vaccine, Airfare, 3 lunches and 9 dinners on own

Team Leader: Dave Dahl

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

September 7 - 15, 2019: Vignier, Haiti

[minti_alert type=”warning” close=”false”]This trip has been postponed due to civil unrest in-country.[/minti_alert]

Application Deadline: June 17, 2019
Trip Date: September 7 – 15, 2019
Cost: $1020 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 8/26

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Join us and give the gift of play to the children at RISE Haiti! This project includes three playgrounds for over 1,000 students attending the kindergarten and primary/secondary schools, as well as their orphanage. Help create an environment where the children will have fun, fellowship, and be united. The children of Haiti see little value in an education and a playground will give them a reason to go to school. In a country where children have nothing that is their very own, this is our opportunity to give them a play space. A place they can call their own.

Local Partner Info:  RISE Haiti was born from Benite Jeune’s vision to help Haitians help themselves through access to education, jobs, food, and clean water. Benite was born and raised in Haiti. Educated in the U.S. and Canada, he brings his unique perspective and passionate resolve to bring positive social and economic change to his country. RISE Haiti is a group of dreamers who turn hope into hard work. Their mission is to do for one what they dream about doing for everyone. RISE Haiti has been making a difference in Haiti since 1997 through enduring partnerships with incredible individuals, churches, schools, businesses, and organizations around the world.

Additional Expenses: $10 Haiti Visa Fee at airport

NonProject Activities: After morning playground dedication, the team will spend a relaxing afternoon at the beach!

Team Leader: Bruce & Julie Rearick

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

September 20 - 29, 2019: Aparan, Armenia

Application Deadline: July 15, 2019
Trip Date: September 20 – 29, 2019
Cost: $1480 *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: Remaining balance due 9/9
Additional Expenses: 9 dinners

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Join us as we serve in one of the few Yazidis communities in Armenia. The Yazidis are a people group that have been pushed around this entire region for centuries. A church has been established in a Yazidis community with the goal of reaching them with the gospel. This project centers around bringing the gift of Play to the vulnerable children in this community. To provide safe play spaces for children to “be kids” and for communities to gather and build relationships. It will support, strengthen and lift up the local church and ministries to be the hero in the community! Join us to “Let them Play”!

Local Partner Info:  The Armenian Gospel Mission, founded in 1970, developed into the Armenian Relief and Development Association (ARDA) in 1991 to coordinate its relief and development work in Armenia. ARDA employs a staff of 55 local Armenians. ARDA’s arm reaches the three major cities of Yerevan Gumryi, Vanadzor, and many outlying villages and towns. Tens of thousands of people have been reached through ARDA’s Medical clinic, feeding programs, early childhood educational programs, school restorations and building remodels, care of the elderly, widows and orphans programs, home building, youth ministry, radio broadcasts and education for self sustainability in our trade and technology center in Yerevan.

Team Leader: Dave Dahl

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

October 11 - 20, 2019: Dragash, Kosovo

Application Deadline: July 29, 2019
Trip Date: October 11 – 20, 2019
Cost: $1,345(for single room add $200) *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: September 30, 2019

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: Kosovo is a small country that has been through some large conflicts over the years. Kosovo Hope is our local partner who has helped communities gain strength through these tough years and provided resources for them to succeed in the future. In October we will be bringing a team to further encourage our partners and their strategic relationships with a playground and children’s programming. By joining this trip you will be part of bringing Hope to the children and families of Kosovo.

Local Partner Info: To learn more about our partner, Kosavo Hope: https://www.kosovohope.com/visionmission/.

Team Leader: Dave Dahl

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

October 18 - 28, 2019: Zahle, Lebanon

Application Deadline: July 29, 2019
Trip Date: October 18 – 28, 2019
Cost: $1595(for single room add $200) *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: October 7, 2019

Flight Parameters: KIDS is booking the flight for this trip. KIDS will email the team a final cost and payment due date approximately two weeks after the application deadline.

Trip Info: In 2018 our team served a special group of Syrian kids that were big dreamers. In 2019, we are serving a Syrian family that has a big dream to impact their neighbors! Our project will center around a beautiful story of a transformed family that God is using to bless their friends. During this trip, you will be building playgrounds, relationships and see the tremendous success Kidstory has had in the country. You will come back from Lebanon with new friends and with a special heart for the people in the Middle East.

Team Leader: Chris Marshall

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

November 9 - 17, 2019: Minya, Egypt

*Limited space available*

Application Deadline: September 2, 2019
Trip Date: November 9 – 17, 2019
Cost: $1500(for single room add $250) *airfare not included
Deposit: $250
Final Payment: October 28, 2019

Flight Parameters: TBD

Trip Info: Come celebrate our 25th Anniversary on an amazing trip to Egypt! More specifically we will be working with a local ministry over there called Healing Grace. While on this trip you will be a part of a unique playground build at a local church, experience a couple of our 37 StoryClubs in Egypt(where over 850 children attend daily), do home visits and just be with kids! We will also be laying out a strategic vision for the next 5 years to reach more children for Christ in this beautiful country. Our final day will be spent in Cairo touring the Giza pyramids built over 4,500 year ago.

Local Partner Info:  Healing Grace is a dynamic ministry that along with sponsoring children they invest in families through AWANA Clubs, preschools, bringing clean water to Egypt, and many more things.

They currently sponsor over 1,800 children and university students in 30 different villages with the main focus being on children. All of the children we serve are from the poorest villages and have little hope for a different future. Sponsorship gives them three things: Jesus, Education & Healthcare.

Team Leader: Jeff Rosene

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

December 29, 2019 - January 1, 2020: Vicente Guerrero, Mexico

Application Deadline: November 11, 2019
Trip Date: December 29, 2019 – January 1, 2020
Cost: $450 adults – $395 kids *airfare not included
Deposit: $150
Final Payment: December 16, 2019

Flight Parameters: TBD

Trip Info: End the year and welcome the New year by serving others! For the last 9 years, our teams have gone to Vicente Guererro to serve the migrant people in the valley. This year we plan to build playgrounds, hold StoryClubs, do evangelism and love our neighbors in Baja, Mexico.

This is a family-friendly trip in which you will have a great time serving together and will enjoy serving with other families, as well. Invite your neighbors, your friends, and those who have never been on a missions trip before. This is a great trip for “first-timers”!

Local Partner Info:  FFHM (Foundation for His Ministry) has been in Vicente Guererro for over 50 years. Their ministry focuses on children, orphan care, substance abuse rehabilitation and engaging in the migrant out-lying communities.

Team Leader: Chris Marshall

Have questions about this trip? Please contact: Melanie Derr | melanied@kidsaroundtheworld.com | 815.229.8731

[minti_button link=”https://docs.google.com/a/kidsaroundtheworld.com/forms/d/1Luy23qbpMgCRQLJtqgSAGFoatnQM5PAjuCQFk68c0FY/viewform” size=”medium” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”blue” icon=””]Apply Now[/minti_button]

[minti_headline type=”h3″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-l” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase”] Volunteer Links

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[minti_headline font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-m” transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left”]Volunteer Testimonials

[/minti_headline][minti_testimonialslider testimonial_1=”The reward at the end of each trip is seeing the joy on the kids’ faces as they try out their new playground for the first time and knowing that I was able to add a small piece of enjoyment to that child, their family, and their community!” author_1=”Ellen” testimonial_2=”I felt exceptionally safe and was comfortable with the environment that I was placed in for the duration of the trip. The KIDS team leader made sure we had safe drinking water available at all times.” author_2=”Lilia” testimonial_3=”My children and I had the wonderful opportunity to volunteer with Kids Around the World to help build a playground in a small town in Mexico. Serving others with my children was a fulfilling experience filled with joy, hope, and love.” author_3=”Marci”]

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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