[minti_iconbox iconimg=”15939″ style=”3″ title=”PLAY”]7 Playgrounds building in the communities surrounding Montego Bay and Kingston[/minti_iconbox]
[minti_iconbox iconimg=”15940″ style=”3″ title=”FEED”]519,500 meals have been distributed in Jamaica[/minti_iconbox]
[minti_iconbox iconimg=”15937″ style=”3″ title=”TRAIN”]4 regional trainings, with 82 trainers trained[/minti_iconbox]
[minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Jamaica In Context


Jamaica’s history has been plagued by foreign invasions, colonization, slavery and violence. Today the island nation is most known for its idyllic beaches and resorts. Yet the narrative of violence and abuse continues to play out beyond the tourist belt. According to the United Nations, Jamaica consistently is ranked on the list of murder capitals of the world. Drug gangs, and associated gun violence is rampant in urban areas. Physical and sexual abuse against children, particularly girls, is pervasive and considered by some local experts to have been woven into the fabric of the culture. “We have a cultural challenge in Jamaica… where people think they have the right to abuse children,” confesses Jamaica’s Minister of Justice.

Safe environments where children can play and be intrinsically valued and nurtured are rare. Yet they are critical to help shift current patterns of abuse and exploitation toward progressive civil restoration and community development. Starting with the children.

[minti_spacer height=”15″][minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Photos

[/minti_headline][minti_gallery ids=”16522,16525,16530,16628,16532,16531″ columns=”5″ style=”2″][minti_spacer height=”15″][minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Video – Playground #500 Slideshow

[/minti_headline][minti_video]https://youtu.be/mVJPG5n9ARo[/minti_video][minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Video – Jamaica’s Silent Children – People and Power

[minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Support the Kids Need Fund – Jamaica

Your monthly giving will go to support key projects in the country of Jamaica

[minti_button link=”http://donate.kidsaroundtheworld.com/campaigns/2358-kids-need-fund-jamaica” size=”full” target=”_blank” lightbox=”false” color=”color-2″ icon=””]Donate Now[/minti_button] [/minti_imagebox][minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Map

[/minti_headline][minti_googlemaps lat=”18.180134″ lon=”-77.430533″ z=”8″ hidecontrols=”true”][minti_spacer height=”20″][minti_headline type=”h4″ font=”font-special” size=”fontsize-s” weight=”fontweight-700″ transform=”transform-uppercase” align=”align-left” margin=”0 0 10px 0″]Related Stories

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