
A Heart to Serve, Cannot Be Stopped

The domestic and global forecasting of food shortages are becoming more and more concerning. Between COVID-19, locust swarms and droughts, the need may be higher than ever. If we don’t act now, the losses could be devastating. Join this #unstoppablemovement to pack meals for those experiencing food shortages due to COVID-19.

Yes, lets pack meals!

    Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

    How can we address this problem, while still taking the precautions necessary to protect ourselves and our group of volunteers?

    We are committed to your safety, health and wellness, which is why we’ve created options for you and your team to choose from when considering how to mobilize your church, business, organization or club to serve others safely! Each meal packing option adheres to the local social distancing guidelines put in place, while offering a tangible way to empower your people to make a difference and provide nutritional OneMeal to those that need it most.

    Yes, lets pack meals!

      Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

      Meal Packing Options


      Mobile Packing Events

      If you can meet at your location, we have options that allow all participants to serve under one roof, without compromising distancing guidelines. Events can be done inside, outside or both, depending on your desires. Events will likely span a longer duration with multiple shifts, allowing more people to participate and sanitization to take place between each shift.

      Yes, lets pack meals!

        Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

        Mobile Packing Events

        Step 1: Plan Your Event
        Determine the total number of unique packing teams you’ll have; count each family or household as a unique team. Let us know the location of your event, the ideal date (or date window) and the size of the space you have available. If you need a location, we can discuss the use of warehouse locations for your event. Once we have that information, we can work together to determine the right layout and meal goal for your event! We’ll share two layout options for your event that both create sufficient distance between packing lines, to ensure your volunteers feel comfortable, while still accomplishing your goals.

        Step 2: Raise The Funds
        Each meal is just 0.27¢, which covers the cost of the ingredients, equipment, transportation from our warehouse to your location, a staff member to lead your team of volunteers and all international shipping! Whether your group chooses to fully fund the meal packing event or to raise funds through the participants, we can help you coordinate that. We have videos, pictures and posts you can share on social media or your webpage, as well as an online fundraising platform where we can build you a custom page for your event!

        Step 3: Host Your Event
        Just prior to your event and depending on the size of your event, we will help determine how many volunteers you’ll need to have things go off without a hitch. These support volunteers can also participate in shifts or be there from start to finish, depending on your desires. They’ll get some early training through a team call or short instructional videos, so all the guess-work is out of the way. When the day arrives, one of our event managers will be there to lead your team through the entire process from set-up to clean-up!

        Step 4: Wrap Things Up
        When your group is all done, our event manager will load up all of the packed boxes and supplies. Your meals will be held at one of our warehouses until we have enough for a full container of meals (270,000) ready to ship. We are committed to keeping you informed when and where your meals ship and arrive, so that you can continue to communicate the impact to your group.

        Million Reasons2Serv

        Coordinated Multi-Organization Events

        We can accomplish more when we come together. The UN reports that food insecurity will likely double in 2020 due to COVID, locust and droughts. This collaborative effort brings multiple churches, businesses or groups together, serving under one banner for one purpose. Over the course of 1-4 weeks, these groups will unify to collectively pack 1,000,000 meals at churches, at workspaces, in homes and in public spaces throughout your city.

        Yes, lets pack meals!

          Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

          Million Reasons2Serv
          Coordinated Multi-Organization Events

          Step 1: Plan Your Event
          This will be an organically grown event, where 1-3 churches or groups choose to CHAMPION the gathering of other like-minded organizations to come together collectively during a set window of time to pack 1,000,000 meals. We’ll be beside you every step of the way, providing communication pieces and content you can share as you rally others to your cause. Ideally this event would include anywhere from 5-15 groups, committed to various meal goals, totaling 1,000,000 meals. Events could take place in homes, at your locations or at a single large space. They may span anywhere between 1-4 weeks to complete!

          Step 2: Raise The Funds
          Each meal is just 0.23¢, which covers the cost of the ingredients, equipment, transportation from our warehouse to your location and staff members to lead your team. Once we determine where the meals will be going we will also help create an international shipping budget. Whether your group chooses to fully fund the meal packing event or to raise funds through the participants, we can help you coordinate that. We have videos, pictures and posts you can share on social media or your webpage, as well as an online fundraising platform where we can build you a custom page for your event!

          Step 3: Host Your Event
          Each event under this initiative will be unique, so whether your plan is to use Serv@Home or Gather2Serv or some other format, we’ll be right beside you to make sure all of the details have been coordinated from set-up to clean-up! You’ll be able to engage your volunteers as both event support and meal packers, truly letting them align their hands and their hearts as they change the face of the doubling food insecurity crisis.

          Step 4: Wrap Things Up
          When your group is all done, our event manager will load up all of the packed boxes and supplies. As the collective events reach 270,000 meals, containers will be loaded and shipped to one of our trusted partners for distribution. We are committed to keeping you informed when and where your meals ship and arrive so that you can continue to communicate the impact to your group.

          Where Do the Meals Go?

          Once packed, meals are returned to our warehouse and shipped to our trusted partners around the globe. Meals travel by boat, truck, train, bus, moped, and even donkey to reach their final destinations: orphanages, schools, churches, hospitals, and community feeding center where they are served to children as a nourishing and reliable daily meal.

          OneMeal has been shipped to 30 countries across the globe to provide daily nutrition to hungry children. We currently have ongoing partnerships, across four continents, utilizing OneMeal to reach children.


          Costa Rica



          Yes, lets pack meals!

            Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

            OneMeal Nutrition

            OneMeal provides a foundational meal that can be used across cultures to deliver sustaining nutrition to impoverished children where food insecurity is a daily reality.  OneMeal’s primary ingredient, RED LENTILS, serves as a superior source of protein, critical to physical growth and development, including brain development. OneMeal also delivers much needed micronutrients through PhytoBlend — a combination of 24 essential vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients — filling a major dietary deficit often found in situations of food insecurity. Our dehydrated vegetable blend adds additional nutrients and fiber, along with color, texture, and flavor to enhance the meal. Fortified white rice further provides critical calories to children — a common ingredient familiar to people in most regions of the world — making our meals readily accepted across cultures.

            GMO Free


            Plant Based


            High Protein

            High Protein

            Vitamin Rich


            Yes, lets pack meals!

              Safely Gather2ServeMillion Reasons2Serv

              Have More Questions?

              Send Us a Message

              Email us your question(s) and one of our team members will get back to you!

              You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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