
We could share story after story about so many of the 875 playgrounds that have been built all around the world. In fact, these past few years we have averaged building a playground every 3 days at orphanages, schools, city parks, refugee camps, churches, hospitals and the list goes on. We could share on the thousands and thousands of volunteers who pack millions and millions of nutritious meals for children in need. Meals for children in South Africa who only get one meal a day, partners in Haiti who prepare meals for after school programs or the containers of meals we have shipped to northern Uganda and to watch “the Church” distribute them…from Kids Around the World. And there’s more! We could tell of KIDStory training events, teaching those who work with children in “unchurched” communities, going in areas others don’t or won’t, but there is still more.

At Kids Around the World, we partner with others so children can encounter Jesus….experience His love, know of His hope, and come to know him. You see, the “more” to our work is a child… impacting kids one at a time through all He has given us. 

As we launch the next 25 years we look at the children. Who will they be in 25 years and how can we impact them? We want them to engage with Jesus and we want to partner with you….join us! Your year-end gift will allow us to continue into the next 25.

Thank you!

PS – We are proud to announce that Kids Around the World has earned a fifth consecutive 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. This is their highest possible rating and indicates we use best practices and execute our mission in a financially efficient way.

You can make a qualified charitable distribution by using the "Make a Gift From My IRA" tool through your IRA custodian or consult with your employer’s human resources department to get the simple form to designate Kids Around The World (EIN #36-4007250) as a beneficiary of your retirement account.

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